Thursday, May 1, 2008

MRCP & Results

I had my MRCP/MRI type deal. It was actually a couple of weeks ago and I got my results back pretty quickly! I am happy and disappointed at the same time. While the tests came back normal and I am not dying of anything (yeah!!!), I still have unknown pain that flairs up every so often, and is "unlabeled" (or labeled as unknown). According to this test, my liver looks normal. The Dr. basically said to go to OHSU for a second opinion (my last second opinion from them cost $75 AFTER insurance covered it...all for just looking at my test results). I told him no, I will just sit for a while after doing all these tests, and see what happens in a few months.

I have a follow up appt. in July, do my blood work in June before my appt. and we will see if my liver panel went up or down. If down...I will continue to make positive changes in my life. If up, well then off to OHSU for a 2nd opinion and for an appt. with a liver specialist. I still have a hard time with the fact that for years now I have these "flare ups" of random things and then they just disappear, totally! I guess we'll know more after the next flare up, and just hope that it isn't too bad of whatever flares up next? Going the healthy positive route, I can only hope that I get healthier overall and less flare ups, because I know the foods I eat (they aren't that bad actually) do create inflammation in my body so bad sometimes, for weeks, that my back and hips and legs and torso are just stiff from pain and swelling. All processed through the liver? One can only guess, and I am done with research for now. Just guessing games online and at the Dr's office. Just life now!

I am disappointed it wasn't something treatable, so I would KNOW nothing worse is wrong with me, so my pain would go away and so all this money and time spent wasn't in total vain.

For now, eating healthier, exercise, abandoning caffeine, fats & sweets, getting more sleep, positive thinking, happiness, meeting with my Chiropractor/Nutritional Consultant and taking Tylenol when the pain gets really bad should suffice! But isn't that the prescription for everyone really? Just basic good healthy habits leads to a good life. Jeez, and I spent all those thousands and thousands (or owe I should say) to find out that gem?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't the body complex? It can be so frustrating trying to figure out exactly what's going on. Good job on the healthy lifestyle changes, though.